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Summer School
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Summer School and the Broken Arms !
By: Victor Scardella

In the summer times, we would mostly play and swim and enjoy being off from school.   But, one summer several of us had to go to summer school for some reason.   I don't know why so many of us had to go that year.   I don't know if we had bad teachers or if they missed something in the curriculum or what, I  don't know for sure.   I don't even remember if it was during junior high school or senior high school or even what year it was.   Nor do I remember how old I was but, I do know that I was a teenager and an awkward one at that.
All I know is several of us kids had to go to summer school and even from my own neighborhood there were several kids who had to go to summer school.
So, all the parents took turns taking all of us to school and picking us all up from school and taking us all home.
One time, a man who was a friend of the family of my friend Geno, came to school to pick us all up and take us all home.   This man had a pickup truck.   Since it was summer and plenty warm, we all climbed into the back of the truck and headed for our neighborhood.   When we reached our street, my house was the first house on the block.   So, we stopped in front of my house and I proceeded to get out of the back of the pickup truck.   I guess I wanted to show off in front of my friends but, neglected to consider the fact that I was an awkward teenager and had no sense of much of anything.   So, I attempted to jump over the closed tailgate wanting to land with my feet on the street.   But, I miss judged the height of the tailgate or maybe the length of my long, skinny legs and my feet hooked onto the top of the tailgate and I headed toward the street head first.
I guess an automatic reaction is to put out your hands to break your fall and that is exactly what I did.   When I hit the pavement, I blacked out for a second or two and when I got up,  I was screaming in pain.   The force of hitting the pavement from about four feet up had broken both of my wrists and the pain was unbelievable.   Everyone came to see what had happened and my mother and stepfather also heard me screaming and ran out of the house to see what was going on.   After explaining what happened, they took me into the house to put my arms  in big bowls of  ice.   They thought that I had only sprained my wrists but, I knew it was worse than that.   After a while in the ice, my arms were still in a lot of pain and I begged my parents to take me to the hospital.   They were reluctant at first and I told them that I was certain my arms were broken and even said to them that I would take my broken arms and dial the phone to call for an ambulance.
They finally agreed to take me to the hospital to get checked out.   The doctors x-rayed my arms and found that I indeed had broken both my wrists.   They then proceeded to put casts on both my arms and I had to spend the remainder of the summer with casts on both of my arms.   The casts stretched from the middle of my palms all the way up to my elbows.   It was quite a sight  to see me with casts on both of my arms !   I had a difficult time trying to write during summer school and my teachers ended up passing me in my work.
It was interesting trying to do normal activities like getting dressed, going to the bathroom and eating but, I somehow managed to survive the experience.
It was interesting too as I wanted to continue enjoying other summertime activities such as swimming.   I remember my friends taking plastic bags and tying them on my arms to keep the casts from getting wet.   It seemed to work and I was able to enjoy going in the pool.
All of my friends took turns signing , writing and drawing on my casts until it was finally time for them to come off.
I will never forget the experience of that summer and I enjoy sharing the memory of that experience with everyone I meet.   I also enjoy sharing it with you as I write this book about my life's adventures.